Should You Use Wikipedia?

   I am sure everyone reading this would have used, or at least be familiar with Wikipedia. There is much controversy about the reliabillity of this Web 2.0 application, due to the simple fact that anyone is able to access and change the information on any of the pages on the site.

Below is a table demonstrating some of the pros and cons about using Wikipedia.

1Easy to access, for example on multiple devices (laptops, tablets, smart phones etc.)Anyone is able to access and edit the pages on the site, therefore giving inaccurate or even false info
2Can be updated at any time, unlike an encyclopedia in book form.Internet 'trolls' can change the information as a joke, if not administered properly.
3Free to all users, nobody has to pay for the information.If used by students, the information they use could be inaccurate or wrong.


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